Thankfully, blepharitis is not contagious and can be quickly cleared by regularly cleaning your eyelids. […]
Is Blepharitis Contagious?

Thankfully, blepharitis is not contagious and can be quickly cleared by regularly cleaning your eyelids. […]
Your eyes may burn when you cry due to factors such as environmental irritants, sweat, dry eye, blepharitis, or eye allergies. […]
If you’re just dealing with burning sensations, dryness, and overall discomfort, you’re likely dealing with dry eyes. However, if you experience any non-eye-related symptoms, like sneezing or coughing, you’re likely dealing with allergies. […]
ffectiveness. They can easily transmit bacteria to your eyes when they expire, so avoid using expired drops. Instead, visit your optometrist to pick up a new bottle; your eyes will thank you! […]
7 reasons why you’re waking up with dry eyes include:
Environmental factors
Improper contact lens usage
Health conditions
Sleeping with your eyes open
Diet & Hydration
Recent surgery […]
Dry eye disease can cause discomfort, irritation, and, in severe cases, even lead to blurred vision. Dry eyes and blurry vision can significantly affect your daily routine, and if left untreated, dry eye disease can cause damage to your eyes. It is important to take action to relieve the symptoms of dry eye and maintain […]