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How Much Is an Eye Exam in Ontario?

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A young optometrist carefully examining a senior man's eyes during an eye exam.

Taking care of your eyes should always be a priority. Regular comprehensive eye exams are a simple and effective way to stay on top of your eyes and vision, but too many people ignore their importance. You should try to visit your optometrist as often as you can for eye exams, but there is a financial side to consider. So how much do eye exams cost in Ontario?

Eye exams can cost anywhere between $100-250 in Ontario. This price can vary depending on your optometrist’s experience, their available equipment, and whether or not you need any additional testing. For many Ontario residents, OHIP covers eye exams, though there are specific criteria that must be met to qualify for coverage.

Why Are Eye Exams So Important?

Regular eye exams aren’t just about checking your vision. They’re a vital step in detecting subtle eye diseases and other medical conditions that might otherwise go undiagnosed.

During an eye exam, your optometrist is going to work through a series of different exercises and tests, all designed with their own individual purposes. These can help detect potential problems like:

  • Refractive errors
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • High blood pressure
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes

A comprehensive eye exam can catch these conditions long before they pose a significant threat to your vision. This allows for earlier intervention and swifter treatment, which is often more effective. Meanwhile, you’ll still get an up-to-date prescription to make sure your vision is clear and comfortable.

These exams are a convenient, effective, and incredible way to make sure your eyes and vision are working as they should.

What to Expect From an Eye Exam

When you come to visit our team at Birring Eyecare for a comprehensive eye exam, it all starts the moment you walk through our doors.

First, try to make sure you’re prepared. Bring along:

  • A list of any medications you’re currently taking
  • Your current prescription for your glasses and contacts
  • Notes of any recent unusual symptoms
  • Your family and medical history

You’ll spend some time talking with a member of our team; this information helps us tailor the exam to your unique needs. Then, your optometrist will start the exam.

How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

During the exam itself, your optometrist will be testing your:

  • Visual acuity
  • Eye movement and coordination
  • Refraction
  • Eye pressure
  • Peripheral vision
  • Eye pressure

These tests collectively give our team an in-depth understanding of your eye health. They may perform some additional tests if they’re concerned about anything; if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

This entire process should take anywhere between 30-60 minutes, though it may take a little longer depending on whether or not our team performs additional testing. Remember—we want to get as comprehensive an understanding as we can, so being thorough is ideal.

The Basics of OHIP

In Ontario, residents have access to medical coverage through a program called the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, or OHIP. This is a type of public health insurance that covers essential medical services, including eye exams.

OHIP covers a wide range of medical services that otherwise may be inaccessible, such as:

  • Visits to your general healthcare practitioner
  • Hospital stays
  • Laboratory and diagnostic testing
  • Some medications
  • Ambulance services
  • Some dental care

When it comes to eye care, it becomes a little more complicated.

Does OHIP Cover Eye Exams?

In general, OHIP will cover the following:

  • 1 comprehensive eye exam per year for children under the age of 19, along with any other minor testing or assessments required
  • 1 comprehensive eye exam every 18 months for seniors over the age of 65, along with 2 minor assessments
  • 1 comprehensive eye exam per year for adults aged 20 or older with a previously-diagnosed medical condition

OHIP will also cover any medically required eye exams or assessments. However, for adults between the age of 20-64, OHIP does not cover comprehensive eye care. Instead, you will likely need to pay a small fee out of pocket.

A smiling senior man covering his right eye during a comprehensive eye exam.

How Much Does an Eye Exam Cost?

In Ontario, the average cost of an eye exam can vary wildly. Typically, a full comprehensive eye exam will cost between $100-250. This fee depends significantly on a few factors, such as:

  • The skill and experience of your optometrist
  • The location of the clinic itself
  • The in-house technology
  • The amount of additional testing required

Before your exam, it helps to speak with your optometrist so you know what to expect. They can explain the pricing structure and give you an estimate regarding your fees.

Book Your Next Eye Exam

Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial to taking care of your eye health. They let our team catch potential problems long before they compromise your vision.

Here at Birring Eyecare, we take pride in offering quality eye care to each and every one of our patients. Book an appointment with us today—we’re here to help!

Written by Dr. Manpreet Birring

The founder of Doctor Birring Eyecare, Dr. Manpreet S. Birring, is a renowned Optometrist with over 25 years of experience in family eye care, contact lenses, and binocular vision. Dr. Birring is a member of the Ontario Association of Optometrists and the Canadian Association of Optometrists. He is an authorized Doctor of Optometry.
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